
Hi. I’m Julie and I’ve moved a lot in my life. I was born in Detroit, Michigan and I currently live in Northern California, near-ish to Sacramento, and in between, I have also lived in Kentucky and Ohio.

I love to craft. Scrapbooking, coloring, painting, making jewelry, felt monsters, sock monkeys, pillows, baking/cooking, card making, and whatever else comes to mind. Some of this I still do and some I haven’t done in forever. Some of it is because of health issues, which may get brought up here and there in posts, and some are just because I don’t have the crafting space that I used to.

I also like to read, but it doesn’t happen nearly as much as it used to. Are you sensing a theme here? When I was in middle and high school, I would sometimes stay up all night on the weekends reading, but my attention span is not what it used to be along with having a million other things to do.

I started designing my own websites over 24 years ago starting with AOL’s Easy Designer, then moving on to Geocities, and finally my own domain (that one is now closed), then I was using a free hosting/domain for quite some time and now I finally have my own domain again. I have experience (ranging from beginner’s to advanced) using Fantastico, CPanel, HTML coding, WordPress, Blogger, and Paint Shop Pro.

Here is it – Buffy’s World. The first site I ever made. Way back in 1997. I made it with AOL’s Personal Page program. It was an all links site. The link will take you to the site via the Wayback Machine. Step into the late 90’s! I’m just sad all the gif’s I had used didn’t transfer over to the archive. One of them made it though! Hi Homer!

I’ve been “retweeted” in some articles where they used one of my tweets for content.
August 15, 2021 – comicbook.com
September 21, 2021 – geekdama.com
September 26, 2021 – comicbook.com