Happy New Year!

I’m trying this website/blogging thing again. I even bought a domain, so we’ll see if it sticks this time around.

I hope your NYE was fun, but also safe. Last night was basically a regular night for me, only with added fireworks and gunshots from around the neighborhood. Which actually is sometimes a regular thing as well. Since I’m on the west coast, I streamed the ball drop from NYC at midnight my time, then went back to what I was watching right before.

My days have been the same day after day for months now, which is pretty much why I never post. Covid keeps me locked up in my house. I am high-risk in multiple ways and even though I am vaccinated (and I will be boosted in a month), I do not even want a mild case. I mean, mild just means you don’t end up in the hospital. You can still get long Covid with a mild case and I already have breathing issues, so it definitely would not be a good thing for me.

I left my house once in early November 2020 to get a flu shot and then again in July of 2021 when my nurse thought I had an infection (I didn’t). Other than that I haven’t left my house. I was already a bit of an introvert and homebody anyway, so it hasn’t been that bad. I wake up, I watch/stream tv and Youtube, I play mobile and PC games, I work on the variety of things I’m working on, Jewelscent, Amazon KDP books, and a new Etsy shop (well same shop link I’ve had for years, just different products than before), and of course, eat lunch and dinner during that time too. I’m in bed most of the day to keep my legs/feet from swelling, so that’s another reason I also don’t really leave the house. Even before Covid, I was only leaving 3 times a month at most.

Another reason for my same day to day routine is my anxiety. I used to be able to just go with the flow if something changed but since the spring of last year that changed. Now I’ll get anxious if something in my routine changes. Sometimes it doesn’t, usually if I’m given enough of a warning before it happens. Like if my roommate has to leave for work early if I know about it the day before it’s a lot better for me than if I find out just a few hours in advance. I take CDB oil drops daily and I have CBD oil softgels if I need to take extra. I wish there was an as-needed medication for anxiety, but from everything I’ve researched, there isn’t. And I don’t get anxiety often enough that I feel a daily medication is necessary. I mean, 2 days of major anxiety every 45 or so days, doesn’t really seem to warrant such a drastic medication that not taking it can be really serious.

That’s been my life in a nutshell for the past year. I only hope that 2022 can be better. A lot of my life has been put on hold because of Covid and I just want it to end already.